As an executor it is necessary that you file tax returns for the deceased and their estate, as well as for any trust that may be held by the Estate.  Technically it is the responsibility of the Executor to file these returns and pay the cost out of their compensation.  More commonly the Last Will of the deceased will allow the executor to hire a professional or agent to do this and pay them from the estate funds.  In some cases, the Certified Executor Advisor may be an accountant that can do this and charge the Estate accounting fees, in addition to their advisor fees. If your advisor is not an accountant, they can recommend someone to file these returns for you.  You may need information on the various returns that are available and the due date for these. Generally, the Certified Executor Advisor has knowledge of accountants they trust to do this for you.

This article is for informational purposes only and is not legal advice. Contact us today to discuss your specific situation.

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